Fast, easy, mobile-ready assessments. Reliable candidate grades within 15 minutes.
- Personality
- Cognitive Ability
- Strong Career Interests
- Motivations
- Ideal Organization Type
- And More
- Automated default scoring of based on decades of research
- Customizable scoring for clients with more than 100 employees
- Machine learning and linear based models
- Candidates complete within 24-48 hours typically
- Strong candidates have very high completion rates
- Allow for multiple people to independently rate each applicant
- Data stored and searchable
- Stored, Structured Data
- Valuable for machine learning and model building
- Allows for process review and improvement
The Power of Pre-Hire Assessments
Significant Scientific Validation over Decades
Pre-hire assessments have been used for over 6 decades now. Why? They represent a proven way to make better, more efficient hiring decisions. In fact, recent research by the well-respected NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research), showed that mechanical prediction models based on pre-hire assessments can lead to better hiring outcomes (check out our blog for more details). In other words, fast and simple models can beat painful manual decisions.
But, we still believe humans have an important role in hiring and assessing talent. Companies should NOT be trying to replace them. However, we are equally certain that modern assessments and machine learning improve human decision making.
Our engagements with large, medium and small clients across job and industry types add to this belief. So, if you are still screening all applicants manually, or relying on a single type of assessment, we would love to speak with you.